3500years old Cover and letter made of CLAY from Sumeria

3500years old Cover and letter made of CLAY from Sumeria

Cover and letter on clay tablet with crunieform inscription of Akkadians,found in Sumerian region is 3500years old.Even in this time court Judgments were given in sealed cover,the Difference is Clay cover and document are not of paper but of CLAY baked ofter writing and was signed by TWO JUDGES BENCH,the the petitioners are nine village heads,with seals of Judges,an Museum collection[OIM]
This is the First example of writing,postal system,Judiciary,etc

The cuneiform script is one of the earliest known forms of written expression. Created by the Sumerian’s from ca. 3000 BC, cuneiform writing began as a system of pictographs. Over time, the pictorial representations became simplified and more abstract.
The cuneiform writing system originated perhaps around 2800 BC in Sumer; its latest surviving use is dated to 75 AD.
The cuneiform script underwent considerable changes over a period of more than two millennia.
Cuneiforms were written on clay tablets, on which symbols were drawn with a blunt reed called a stylus. The impressions left by the stylus were wedge shaped, thus giving rise to the name cuneiform .
The Sumerian script was adapted for the writing of the Akkadian, Elamite, Hittite languages, and it inspired the Old Persian and Ugaritic national alphabets.
The characters consist of arrangements of wedgelike strokes generally impressed with a stylus on wet clay tablets, which were then dried or baked. The history of the script is strikingly parallel to that of the Egyptian hieroglyphic The normal Babylonian and Assyrian writing used a large number (300–600) of arbitrary cuneiform symbols for words and syllables; some had been originally pictographic. There was an alphabetic system, too, making it possible to spell a word out, but because of the adaptation from Sumerian, a different language, there were many ambiguities. A single symbol could be used to represent a concept, an object, a simple sound or syllable, or to indicate the category of words requiring additional definition. Cuneiform writing was used outside Mesopotamia also, notably in Elam and by the Hittites. There are many undeciphered cuneiform inscriptions, apparently representing several different languages. Cuneiform writing declined in use after the Persian conquest of Babylonia (539 B.C.), and after a brief renaissance (3d–1st cent. B.C.) ceased to be used in Mesopotamia.

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250000 years old Astromical history of INDIA,Rajatarangini

Old wine in new Bottle what our telugu scholars told a century back like Venkatachalam
about ancient history based on RAJATARANGINI OF KASHMIR HISTORIANS

was aceepted by foreign and indian scholars now contemporary researchers have developed a more accurate picture of ancient India,  assembling new chronologies based on a 
highly reliable method dating scriptural references by their relationship to the 
known precession of the equinoxes.Earth’s axis of rotation “wobbles,” causing  
constellations, as viewed from Earth,  to drift at a constant rate and  
along a predictable course over a 25,000-year cycle. For example, a  

Rig Vedic verse observing winter solstice at Aries can be correlated  to around 6500 BCE. Some scholars states, “Precessional changes are the hallmark of Hindu astronomy. We cannot  ignore them in ancient texts  
just because they give us dates too early for our conventional view  
of human history.” Besides astronomical references from scripture,  
there is much to support their dates, such as carbon-14 dating, the  
discovery of Indus-Sarasvati Valley cities and the recent locating of  the Sarasvati River, a prominent landmark of Vedic writings.   

Language of GODS


Language of GODS

Indian scholars have pointed out that the discovery of a small and extinct kentum language inside India  surviving as a sizable substratum in the Himalayan language ,THE LANGUAGE OF GODS AN GIFT TO MANKIND AND INDIANS WHO THINK HIMALAYA AS ABODE OF GOD AS TURKEY ARK MOUNTAINS tends to support the hypothesis that the older kentum form was originally present in India as well.This discovery had been made by the German linguist,who does not explain it ; Theory but as a left-over of a pre-Vedic Indo-European immigration into India. He claims that the local people have a tradition of their own.

Recent survey among KENTANI speakers,Then again, an even more recent survey on the spot by Anita JNU and her students has almost entirely confirmed Zoller’s list of kentum substratum words in KENTANI.As the trite phrase goes: this calls for more research.

Sanskrit linguistically

Sanskrit linguisticaly

When comparative linguistics started, the majority opinion was that the original homeland of the language family had to be India. This had an ideological reason,That Enlightenment philosophers such as Voltaire were eager to replace Biblical tradition with a more distant Oriental source of inspiration for European culture,China was a popular candidate, but India had the advantage of being linguistically making it the homeland of the European languages or even of the European peoples, would be helpful in the dethronement of Biblical authority, but by no means far-fetched.

Moreover, there was also a seemingly good linguistic reason for choosing India the ancient Indian language, Sanskrit, was apparently the closest to the hypothetical Proto-lndo-European language from which all existing members of the language family descended. It had all the grammatical categories of Latin and Greek in the most complete form, plus a few more, e.g. three numbers including a dualis in declension and conjugation, and all eight declension cases. Apparently, Sanskrit was very close to if not identical, 
In reality, there is no necessary relation between the linguistic antiquity of a language and its proximity

nagini guard padmanabha temple,Telugu Charitra,GARUDA MANTRA remedy of naga bandham of secret chamber,Aryan origin,Satavahana Brahmi Telugu,buddhism,damodhar rao musham,prachina telugu bhasha,puranas,

Here we can easily assume from eastern region the evidence come from the Satavahana Brahmi Telugu usage which was supported by Lingistic evidence as well as spread of civilization from satavahanas to orient egypt etc which was supported by archeological evidence,and MARITIME TRADE LINKS WITH WORLD CIVILIZATION I THINK.[DAMODHAR RAO MUSHAM] U CAN @ ME OR CALL AT +91 09441816605



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Aryan origin,Satavahana Brahmi Telugu,buddhism,damodhar rao musham,prachina telugu bhasha,puranas,
nagini guard padmanabha temple,Telugu Charitra,GARUDA MANTRA remedy of naga bandham of secret chamber,

Here we can easily assume from eastern region the evidence come from the Satavahana Brahmi Telugu usage which was supported by Lingistic evidence as well as spread of civilization from satavahanas to orient egypt etc which was supported by 

+91 09441816605

Gonds provide invaluble information about TELUGU part I

 Gonds and Koyas(speaking Konda language)provide invaluable information
in deducing the prehistory of Telugu are closely related tribes. 
Gonds have an interesting story about the origin of their tribe. 

It also matches the story Koyas have
to say about their origin. Once upon a time there were 1600 crores of
Koyas at Dhavalagiri. They were very dirty and never used to take
bath. Mahadeva got disgusted at their dirtiness and jailed them in a
cave. However Parvati was very fond of them. She did penance and got a
son called Lingo. Linga prayed Mahadeva that Koyas should be released.
Shiva would release them on the condition that Lingo performs all the
adventures that Shiva asks. Once Lingo performed all of them
successfully, Shiva had to release them.

Om mani padme hum of Buddhism

Om mani padme hum is probably the most famous mantra of Buddhism, the mantra of six syllables of the Bodhisattva of compassion Avalokiteshvara he is known as Chenrezig in Tibetan. The mantra “Om mani padme hum” is associated particularly with the representation of four arms Shadakshari of Avalokiteshvara. It is said that the Dalai Lama is a reincarnation of Avalokiteshvara, which is why the mantra is especially revered by his followers. Its recitation expresses the desire for liberation of all living creatures and from the cycle of rebirth.
Om mani padme hum Mantra is always  called mani wheels in Tibet.

Published in: on July 21, 2011 at 12:58 pm  Leave a Comment  

Om omkaram

Om is the most sacred syllable often spoken during the practice of any Hindu rites. It is a holy character of the Sanskrit language, the language of God. The character is a composite of three different letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. The English equivalent of those are “a”, “u”, and “m”, and represent the Trinity. The Trinity is composed of the three supreme Gods: Brahma, the creator, Vishnu, the preserver, and Shiva, the destroyer. These three letters when pronounced properly in unison create an invigorating effect in the body. Because of its significance this sacred syllable is spoken before any chants to show God we remember him. This sign also represents the whole universe.

Lord Brahma is vikshepa-sakti

All creations arise out of vikshepa (thought disturbances). This vikshepa-sakti is Lord Brahma-the total mind-intellect equipment. Man, being essentially constituted of his mind and intellect, has already invoked this vikshepasakti and realised Brahma. Hence the worship and invocation of Brahma is practised by few.
Yet there are a few shrines dedicated to Brahma. He is worshipped and invoked particularly by scientists and kings for generating more creative ideas to serve the world of men and matter. The rulers invoke the Lord in order to surrender their ego and produce plans and schemes to serve the nation. Similarly, the research scholars invoke creative inspiration and flashes of new thoughts revealing the secrets of nature.
Lord Brahma is not popularly worshipped in India. This is so, because the idea of creation is repugnant to seeker of Truth since the creation of thoughts has veiled the infinite Reality. The attempt of all spiritual seekers is to destroy the existing thoughts and maintain the state of single pointed thought until the Reality is revealed. Hence, Siva (god of destruction) and Vishnu (god of maintenance) are worshipped more than Brahma. In fact, there are very few temples of some in Mahaboobnagar region Brahma-one in Rajasthan and another in Orissa -compared to innumerable shrines of Siva and Vishnu existing all over India

Indo-European language family and Telugu

N.R. Waradpande questions the very existence of an Indo-European language family and rejects the genetic kinship model, arguing very briefly that similarities between Greek and Sanskrit must be due to very early borrowing. He argues that the linguists have not been able to establish that the similarities in the Aryan or Indo-European languages are genetic, i.e. due to their having a common ancestry. He alleges that the view that the South-Indian languages have an origin different ,SAID by the 19th-century pioneer of Dravidology, .